
Friday, April 5, 2013

A Not So Typical Day In Our Lives

Finish the Sentence Friday

Another "Finish The Sentence" Friday, and darn, I'm tired. Today's cue:

A typical day in my life looks like... THIS

Therefore, I'm writing about a not-so-typical day, like today. I've been on vacation all week; today was Miss V.'s birthday, so we decided to celebrate to take a little trip to Munich to visit Sea Life and meet up with the girls' favorite Auntie.

7:15: Violet wakes up in my bed (she's come in sometime earlier to cuddle) and decides it's time for
         breakfast. We cuddle her and wish her happy birthday.
07:30: We get up, Lily joins us; I make coffee for us and hot chocolate for the girls; Lily helps putting out the
         plates for breakfast.
08:00: Violet's dashing to the table with the gifts and starts unwrapping. She LOVES all the gifts.
08:15: I convince the girls to go brush teeth, wash their faces, and comb their hair. The girls get to wear their
        new shirts.
09:00: The car is packed with the family and all the stuff we need. Off to Munich we go.
09:45: Potty break somewhere off A9; the toilet seats are metal and friggin cold!
11:00: We arrive at the Olympia Park in Munich; my friend is waiting already.
11:15: We enter Sea Life. It's so much fun!
Missy V. checking out the fish

12:45: We're emerge on the other side. Potty break with Violet and we're off for lunch.
01:15: Arrival at Pizza Hut.
01:30: We are seated.
01:45: The world's second-most unfriendly waiter arrives at our table.
02:30: FOOD!!
Pizza for the birthday girl

03:15: We head out to the Olympia Tower.
03:30: Up we go; yes, I hate hights, and see the girls fall down 500ft through a wall that comes up to my shoulder and the fence on top of the wall.
I don't show it, but I feel REALLY uncomfortable

03:45: There's a rock music exhibition in the tower! And we have muffins at 500ft above Munich.
04:15: Muffins at 500ft above Munich.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweetie!

04:15: Lily stops at the visitor's center to ask a question.
04:30: We say out good-byes; Violet and I score presents  :-) We're heading back home.
05:00: Out of Munich, searching for a gas station. We're lucky and will be able to drive home that night
          without the help of AAA.
06:30: We arrive back home; I make fruit salad for dinner for the girls while they play with the new toys.
06:45: Great-grandma no. 1 calls to say happy birthday to Violet. The girls eat dinner.
06:55: Great-grandma no. 2 calls to say happy birthday to Violet. The girls eat dinner.
07:10: Oma and Opa call to say happy birthday to Violet.
07:30: Bath time!!!
08:00: Story and bed time!
08:10: I wash dishes and clean up the dining table.
08:30: Checking my email, FB, blog.
10:00: joining the hubby to watch a show.

Good night!!


  1. Your kid's name is Violet. I've seen someone else's kid name is Violet. Dang seems like you're busy. wow even a time to do email and fb. miss your comments

    1. Yup, they're Lily and Violet; I wonder when they'll hate us for it :-) For whatever reason, your blog does not show up in my feeder. I need to look into that!!

  2. Good night and sounds like a wonderful day, Stephanie!! Happy Birthday to Violet and thank you for linking up with us again!! :)

    1. Thanks for hosting, Janine! I'll let Sweetie know tomorrow :-)

  3. Busy busy lady, but a good day!! :)

    1. Thanks, Jen! It was busy, but definitely a fun day! It's always good to meet my friend.

  4. excellent sounding day... (there's something especially satisfying about a full day out (field trip) with a long ride home...but getting home for the end of the day. Like being on vacation, but without the major dislocation.


    1. That's right, Clark. I always sleep better in my own bed, and so I could get my down time after the girls had gone to bed. If we're on an over-night trip, we mostly have to go to bed with the girls. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. Definitely not something many of us could say "Oh I took a little trip to Munich with the family!" Thanks for sharing a not-so ordinary day with all of us!

    1. Well, since we're living only 2 hours by car from Munich, it's not such a big deal. I'd like to say again: oh, I took a little family trip to Seattle - but that won't happen again :-( Thanks for stopping by!!

  6. Wow what an awesome day! And happy birthday to Violet!

  7. Hi there!

    Congratulations! I nominated you for a Liebster!! Woo-Hoo!!

    The Wondering Brain

    1. Yay!! Thank you, Jessica!! I guess I have some work ahead of me; still have another Liebster in the line, but appreciate every single one so much!!
